Flanders Make (FM)
Flanders Make is the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry. From our sites all over Flanders, we stimulate open innovation through excellent research. In addition, companies can work together with us in a custom innovation trajectory. Finally, we also offer an extensive range of testing and validation infrastructure for your products or production.
Our goal is to contribute to the technological development of the vehicles, machines and factories of the future. By doing so, we create added value for the manufacturing industry. Together we help companies innovate better and faster. In addition, we attach great importance to international cooperation in the field of innovation and to participation in European research projects.
Today Flanders Make counts over 650 researchers who work full-time as a unique research community on a joint industrial research agenda.
In the CoE RAISE project, we conduct research on additive manufacturing processes. We have developed a quality analysis toolbox for selective laser melting based on melt pool monitoring, spatter tracking, and the alignment of multiple data sources in spacetime. Our infrastructure includes a platform based on an industrial selective laser melting printer with a custom programmable controller and additional high-bandwidth sensors. Additionally, we have access to the infrastructure from the Vlaams Supercomputer Center (VSC).
In CoE RAISE, Flanders Make leads the data-driven use case of porosity detection and prevention in metal 3D printing (WP4). Leveraging its wide industrial membership and network, it contributes to dissemination (WP6), and will lead the market analysis and development of a business model for the Center of Excellence (WP5).
WP 2 - AI- and HPC-Cross Methods at Exascale (Contributor)
Task | Task name | Role |
T2.5 | Cross-Sectional AI Methods | Contributor |
WP 4 - Data-Driven Use-Cases towards Exascale (Contributor)
Task | Task name | Role |
T4.3 | Defect-free metal additive manufacturing | Leader |
WP 5 - Business Development (Leader)
Task | Task name | Role |
T5.1 | Market analysis | Leader |
T5.2 | Development of a business model and business plan | Leader |
WP 6 - Outreach and Services (Contributor)
Task | Task name | Role |
T6.1 | Training and education as services | Contributor |
T6.2 | Establishment of a European RAISE network | Contributor |
T6.3 | Dissemination and communication | Contributor |