Behind the Scenes of CoE-RAISE: An interview with Reza Hassanian, PhD student at the University of Iceland
Is there an event or person that brought you to science?
Mathematics and physics were my favorite fields of study. When someone wants to see these science's application in life and the world, they appear in the field of mechanical engineering. Leonardo da Vinci said, "Mechanics is the paradise of the mathematical sciences because by means of it one comes to the fruits of mathematics.". An interest in the work of science causes you to look for unresolved issues in your specialty to advance that section or solve the problem. I studied mechanical engineering and specialized in fluid-related fields. Fluid mechanics are almost everywhere, from the breath and blood vessels of the body to the complex phenomena of the world. Based on this, I chose computational methods to study fluid dynamics to play an influential role. I know there are many things I can do in the future that will give me the courage to work on complex problems. It is charming for me to be present in the CoE-RAISE project because I can better pursue my goal.
In which field did you focus and what is special about it?
I work in computational fluid dynamics. Due to the complexity of significant (Exascale) problems, we want to use artificial intelligence and high-performance computing to resolve fluid dynamics’ models. My specialty is in this area. In fluid mechanics, we have the phenomenon of turbulent flow, and more than a century of studies to find its analytical solution is still ongoing. Since most fluid flows in our life and industry are turbulent, and there is no analytical solution only for a few cases, we use numerical methods to solve these problems since this method has many benefits than experimental approaches. Numerical techniques are currently used in various industries, such as the aviation industry, where people board reliable, advanced, comfortable, and safer planes.
Is CoE RAISE the first EU project you are participating in and in which tasks are you involved in?
Yes, this is the first EU project. I participate in the project as a Ph.D. student. Due to my expertise, I work with use cases: AI for data-driven models in reacting flows and smart models for next-generation aircraft engine design.
What is your impression so far and what are your expectations?
I think the use-cases of the project are very impressive, and the issues that are being studied are significant. On the other hand, the participants in the project are outstanding scientists and researchers, and I am delighted to be with them as a Ph.D. student. I believe, putting together the participants' possibilities and HPC facilities will lead to significant results and successes at the end of this project.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Well, I'm interested in football and running and cycling, and I do it in my spare time.
Reading novel books is another part of my leisure interest.
I like to travel and see the cultures of different countries, which was not possible in the past year!
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I am pleased to have this opportunity to participate in this project. I would be grateful to my supervisor, Professor Morris Riedel, for his support. I hope I can contribute to the advancement of science. Thank you for this interview.