Work Package 6
Outreach and Services
Since the technical developments of WP2, WP3, and WP4, i.e., the AI- and HPC-related, as well as the domain-specific developments have a high innovation potential, it is the aim of this WP to propagate the gained knowledge towards academia and industry to exploit RAISE's results. The educational infrastructure of RAISES's partners is therefore enhanced by advancing available courses and trainings with respect to RAISE's development results. They are extended by new courses tailored for the different user communities coming from, e.g., attached universities, research groups, and industrial partners.
To reach as many stakeholders as possible, a European network with nodes at the RAISE's partners’ sites is established that connects to locally available projects and networks on academic and industrial levels. The overall objectives are hence to
accelerate knowledge transfer to academia and industry,
enable partners and their user communities having less developed expertise in the fields considered by RAISE to catch up with state-of-the-art technologies,
and to map and thereby foster novel technologies in industry/SMEs to advance Europe’s competitiveness on the global market,
support the adoption of novel technologies by European industry, thus enhancing their competitiveness in global markets.
That is, RAISE acts as an accelerator to transfer new methodologies to market. Obviously, this needs to go along with creating impacting awareness, which is reached by defining RAISE's visual identity and by propagating corresponding research results through various communication channels such as through RAISE's website, social media, and via Open-Access publications.