The virtual Summer school of the IEEE GRSS HDCRS working group on High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing
In collaboration with the University of Iceland (UOI) and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), CoE-RAISE co-organized the virtual event in the capacity of partner from May 31 to June 3, 2021.
The three focus topics "From HPC to Quantum paradigms in Earth Observation”, “Programming GPUs and Accelerators with Directives”, and “Scaling Machine Learning for Remote Sensing using Cloud Computing" were specifically tailored for students and researchers. In total, 30 students from all over the world participated.
The event, from the land of fire and ice, was opened by Dr. Gabriele Cavallaro (FZJ) and Jón Atli Benediktsson (UOI), who gave the participants a brief overview of the HDCRS WG activities. The goal of the four-day summer school was to provide a networking platform to students, young professionals, senior researchers, and professors. Among these professors are world-renowned leaders in the field of remote sensing and work on interdisciplinary research with high-performance and distributed computing, quantum computing, and parallel programming models with specialized hardware accelerators.
"Due to the current situation, the HDCRS Summer School was held as an online event. We are looking forward to welcoming students live at the University of Iceland next year. We received very positive feedback from the students, who found value in all presented lectures and would like to get involved in future editions" said Dr. Gabriele Cavallaro.
Surbhi Sharma, PhD student at FZ Jülich, who had participated for the first time said: “For me, the HDCRS Summer School was a perfect gateway for exposure to cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing, high-performance computing, cloud computing for remote sensing applications. I like the structure and execution of the program. It enabled all to interact freely with one-another. I find the introduction to OpenACC and OpenMP for parallel programming with hands-on experience on supercomputers very informative. Also, the session on machine learning for remote sensing using cloud computing was intuitive. It was an enjoyable experience and I look forward to participate again”.
For next year, the Summer School is again planned for the period May/June. Those who did not make it this year can take a look at the recordings and already make a note of the date.
Link to Summer School:
All the recording will be uploaded on the IEEE GRSS channel: